BITA’s Goss to Head Influential EU Technical Committee
6th December 2018

Following a recent plenary meeting in Brussels, BITA’s Technical Manager David Goss has been elected Chairman of the CEN/TC150 Industrial Trucks – Safety Technical Committee.
CEN/TC150 is responsible for European standards in the field of safety of self-propelled and manually operated industrial trucks and their components. Many of these standards are harmonised, and thus provide a legal interpretation of the requirements of relevant European Directives, such as the Machinery Directive, for specific products.
CEN is the European Committee for Standardisation and brings together the National Standardisation Bodies of 34 European countries. It is one of three European Standardisation Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) charged by the EU and EFTA to develop and define voluntary standards at European level. Each European Standard is recognised across the whole of Europe, and automatically becomes the national standard in 34 European countries, making it much easier for businesses to sell their goods or services to customers throughout the European Single Market.
BITA is also a member of all of the Sub-Committees and Working Groups doing a similar job with ISO/TC110, Industrial Trucks, at international level, where David has been head of the UK delegation since taking over from Bob Hine.
Post-Brexit, the importance of trade associations in developing and articulating a single UK voice will become even more pronounced, both at home and abroad, and David’s appointment is a strong indicator of how BITA is valued across the industry.